where passion meets curiosity
Current interests:
Russophone Literature in English and German Translation
Russophone Prostorechie in Translation
Translation Theory and Practice
My proposed plan of study focuses on the role of linguistic subversion—and prostorechie (i.e., simplified Russian vernacular) in particular—in the narrative ethics and aesthetics of Russophone prose as well as the semantic gaps that exist between Russophone vernacular and standardized English translations. Drawing on the experience with the works of Gogol, Zoshchenko, and Bulgakov, I plan to continue to investigate the (often inadvertent) misrepresentations and omissions that have the power to strip the speakers (narrators and/or characters) from self-identification, thus precluding adequate positioning of the speakers in the larger cultural and sociopolitical context. By analyzing the linguistic plasticity of the Russophone originals, I intend to elucidate the strategic reasons behind the language subversion and the effects it seeks to produce on the reader’s meaning-making. By triangulating these findings with the interpretative experiences available to the readers of the English translations, I aim to identify areas in need of further semantic supplementation and provide knowledge mobilization strategies designed to bridge this linguistic and cultural gap.